Cowes Yarmouth

Race report from Jeopardy 2 J 97, Class 5

Given the rather splendid forecast for the weekend we packed plenty of factor 50 sun cream. 

We arrived at the start line in plenty of time where a massed JOG fleet awaited for enough wind to commence racing. Our poor race officers had to juggle with the dilemma of starting us in very little wind and risking being responsible for a large slick of sailing yachts floating first one way then the other as the tide changed but not actually getting to Yarmouth.

After a couple of attempts to get the fleet off, racing was abandoned for the day and with suntans fully topped up the entire fleet motored for Yarmouth. A good humoured harbour master then managed to get the whole fleet berthed on walk ashore pontoons for the night. Various odd drinks of Coke-a-Cola were consumed prior to a convivial gathering at The Wheatsheaf Pub.

Later that evening when relaxing on board Jeopardy 2 Justina complained of feeling a bit sun burnt and it was only after every one had sympathised that she admitted to only applying the factor 20 at which point sympathy vanished and the poor girl was asked to pour some more drinks. (she got her own back)

Sunday Morning: I awoke to the sound of sleeping crew and the faint rattle of halyards signifying some wind.

After a shower and a shave I returned to the boat to find some crew wishing they had not requested another drink from Justina, they do say what goes round comes round!

After Saturday’s really awful starts (so glad the races were not allowed to proceed) we had a good start into clear wind, after which we were able to deploy our code 0, only needing to drop it just before Lepe spit where we went onto white sails. A large container ship decided to enter the Solent at the time when we and Shades of Blue wanted to head directly to Hill Head. Ed executed a smart Gybe and tack to take Shades of Blue well clear of the stern of the ship. Our tactic of waiting until the ship was well past before tacking and heading across the stern of the ship was not the better of the two, thus, giving Ed the edge over us for a time whilst we got back up to speed again. After Hill Head the next couple of tacks to East Bramble were quite straight forward, after which we were able to hoist our lightweight kite.  It was at this point we should not have been complacent. A ship heading along the channel towards Cowes started to give me some concern and unfortunately rather than Gybing early under easy conditions the gybe was left later (no later than we would normally have under symmetric kites) it was at this point the kite wrapped and we had to take it down. A re-hoist was quickly made but as soon as the kite was up the shackle sprung open causing us to trawl the kite. Once the kite was recovered it refused to go back up without a wrap so we finished under whites.

Just shows how one bad call / overconfidence can lead to a number of issues. Hopefully next time!

Despite the few minor problems we had a great day out and it was fantastic to see so many JOG boats on the Solent.

Thank you to our race officers for a great weekend.

Report from Tearaway Too, J 120, Class 3

All we can really say about Saturday was that the sun shone and it was a great day on the water. The interminable wait for some wind was a little frustrating but we had every sympathy for our hard pressed race officers.   

After watching some general confusion over start sequences (yes it was 20 minutes not 10 and yes, you were well over and in blissful ignorance) we applauded the decision to abandon racing. Even though the sea breeze eventually filled, it was, by then, just a  potential 5 tack drag race and would not have really been of great satisfaction to get a result.

We did enjoy the sail though, if not the madness at Yarmouth when we all arrived together and tried to get in. By the way, to the pushers in, well done but we know who you are! Not very kind or considerate are you.

The party in Yarmouth was excellent.  No agro getting the race decs in and no pressure. I like this type of racing?

Sunday dawned warm with a slightly erratic breeze and the promise of a race. Despite a good start,  we just slid further back in our class with just a bit less wind than we needed. To make it more interesting, we seemed to pick a position with wind holes whilst those that stayed high sailed around us and into a much better position when, off Gurnard Ledge, the wind burst into an 18 knot Easterly. We still laid Hill Head, but only close hauled which let most through. Sadly, for those lower than us, the tack into the mark cost rather dear.

The beat to East Bramble saw us reel a few in but the run against the tide to the finish was always destined to be punishing for assyms and we pulled back no  more with a lackluster, but not embarrassing, result.

This was the first inshore race since 2003 without the JOG dog and a milestone for us but a great weekend. Thank you to the gang for starts, finishes and decisions!

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